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    NaNoWriMo Check-In on Day Eight

    I like being honest with my readers, so here it is:

    Dear Readers, NaNo is a real struggle this year.

    It’s not that I don’t have the words or plot. When I can focus on writing, everything has been flowing just fine. I’m actually excited about the current plot twist! There are new and unexpected characters appearing! Something just showed up in the story that everyone is going to want for themselves! I’ve even been dreaming about the story again, which means my brain in fully invested in this tale.

    It’s the body that betrays me, as usual. And it’s okay. I expected it would be a struggle, you know. I’m recovering from a major surgery for a disease that is notorious for being difficult even at the best of times. Crohn’s loves anxiety and changes in routine, and flares are well-known for happening before big, exciting events. I’m not flaring, thankfully, but I’m still healing and readjusting from a surgery that changed my internal routine – as well as leaving me with a difficult-to-heal wound – so I have wisely kept my expectations low.

    And that’s what I’m writing about today for you, actually! I want to remind you that you should be kind to yourself, even if you have set goals and you’re struggling to meet them. I love goals, I’m very goal driven when it comes to success. But goals are a guide when it comes to things like writing. Be realistic with yourself, and keep in mind that NaNoWriMo isn’t a deadline. And this advice carries over to any creative pursuit, okay? Creativity often struggles when deadlines are involved. Don’t be so strict with yourself that you make something that should bring you joy and fulfillment into a chore, a “must-do.” That’s not conducive to success or a happy outcome.

    For me, the point of NaNoWriMo is to gently challenge myself, not force myself into doing something I love.

    I’ve written almost every day this month, with the exception of a couple of days where I was too ill. That’s a WIN for me! I haven’t written anything since before my operation in September! That’s a healthy goal, and a reasonable outlook.

    If your creative goals make you unhappy, please take a second to look at them and think about what a more healthy goal would look like for you.

    You might find that you’ll be more successful than you ever expected!