What is an ARC?

An Advanced Review Copy is a preview copy of a publication that is sent out for promotional purposes. Generally, a copy is offered with the goal of getting genuine reviews from actual readers, as well as professional book reviewers, and book bloggers. ARCs are also offered to booksellers [especially Indie Bookshops], librarians, and other relevant folk.

How can I get an ARC?

First step: fill out the form below! Your application will be reviewed for suitability and current availability, and you will placed on the list for future consideration as well.
Second step: make sure to respond when you are contacted about receiving an ARC, and if you are applying as a blogger/reviewer, be ready to read it ASAP and write a review!

Note: reviews should be honest, and preferably focused on content, characters, elements while avoiding spoilers. The goal is to help potential readers find the book and decide if it is for them, so please keep that in mind when reviewing. Preferred platforms for reviews are Amazon, Goodreads, and review blogs, but all platforms are welcome!
If you are new to ARCs, you may find this link from Read With Wine helpful: ARC ETIQUETTE- THE DO’S, THE DON’TS AND AN FAQ

What to expect

If you are chosen for an ARC, you will either receive an electronic copy in form of epub/mobi or a pdf copy, or a pre-publication version of a print book. Please note that any advance copy you receive may differ slightly from the final release, including cover art, formatting, editing, etc. ARCs are fully protected by copyright law; do not reprint or share or you will be disqualified from future ARCs. Reviewers who are prompt with reviews and communication will get first priority for future ARCs and possible extras from the author!